Cranberry Juice

Cranberry Juice

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cranberry Juice Benefits (I)

This is a guest post from Jacob Strauss

Cranberries have been used in natural medicine for hundreds of years by the European Americans and for thousands of years by cultures all over the world. Though native to only certain areas (marshy wetlands) cranberries are now available in stores just about anywhere. One of the most popular forms is cranberry juice. Many people drink this juice because of common knowledge that its good for them. However, many are unaware of the natural cranberry juice benefits.

One of the most popular uses of is the natural treatment and prevention of urinary tract infections. Cranberry juice, cranberry pills or dried cranberries are all effective for this purpose. Cranberries contain high amounts of proanthocyanidins which are known to prevent bacteria from causing infections. This works by preventing the bacteria from clinging to the surfaces of the urinary tract and the bladder. (If bacteria can't attach to any surface, they cannot replicate which is what causes the infection).

Other cranberry juice benefits:

prevention of diseases and cancers (antioxidants)malic acid helps in proper, healthy digestionconsiderable amounts of potassium (beneficial for muscles especially in athletes)loaded with vitamin clarge amounts of vitamin k (beneficial for liver and bone health)contains phosphorous (beneficial in blood and muscle health)natural materials in cranberries fight dental bacteria.

The high antioxidants, natural plant chemicals and vitamins in cranberries are beneficial against diseases and cancers caused by free radicals. Free radicals are the unstable molecules caused by pollution that attack our body by stealing electrons from our healthy cells turning them into unhealthy ones and causing disease. Since cranberries outnumber most common fruits in the amount of these antioxidants, they would be the most effective in fighting them.

Since free radicals are also one of the biggest factors in skin health, drinking cranberry juice benefits the appearance of the skin by helping to keep it healthy. For such a small berry, cranberries also contain a decent amount of fiber which also helps in digestion, another key factor in skin appearance.

Information compiled from []cranberry pills and other educational sources.
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